Tuesday 28 April 2015

Pizza weekday - Feta and avocado (V)

Home baked avocado pizza

Baking pizza from scratch at home is fun, and yes, a bit time consuming (compare to frozen pizza or pizza to order), but there is reward at the end, the satisfaction of knowing every single ingredient that has been baked into the crust, the sauce and into the topping.

The toppings this time are: red onion, avocado, feta cheese (with vegetarian rennet), pointed sweet red pepper, cherry tomatoes and a bit of Cheddar cheese.

For details on making the pizza crust and the tomato sauce please click on the links.

Tips: The tomato sauce can be made ahead (or if there is a leftover) and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight glass container for up to 3 days.


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