Sunday 12 July 2015

Refreshing summer - Watermelon fruit salad

Juicy watermelon, sweet white grape, invigorating mint

You will need:
few slices of sweet and juicy watermelon
a good handful of super sweet white grapes
2 springs of fresh mint

1. Prepare the watermelon: cut off the rind, discard the seeds, then cut the flesh into cubes. Put watermelon cubes into a mixing bowl.
2. Wash the grapes, and halve them. Add to the bowl.
3. Wash the mint, pluck the leaves, and add them to the bowl.
4. Gently mix the content of the mixing bowl.
5. Serve into bowls. Enjoy!

GAPS sweet things:
Baked apples
Hemp and banana smoothie
Three nut energy bites
Fruit bites
The nut balls
Fig and hemp seed bites
Berry and plum crumble
Beetroot and ginger smoothie

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