Saturday 27 August 2016

Lecsó with aubergine (PALEO)

Another bowl of summer happiness

Made with very local veg (just under 10 miles / 16 km) and British pork. It is seasonal, organic, local and domestic, same as the previous version with the green beans. The preparation and method is almost identical except that I have swapped the green beans for a large, plump aubergine. For steps please follow the Lecsó with green beans recipe.

Rinse the aubergine, cut off the ends. Dice and lightly salt (use Himalayan rock salt) and leave it in a bowl to draw out the juices, then drain and gently squeeze out the excess liquid. Preparation is done.

Render the pork fat, add the onions, cook until they get some colour. Add the prepared aubergine (add 2 or 3 thinly sliced garlic cloves too if you like, garlic goes well with the aubergine), cook for a few minutes, then add the sliced peppers and the diced tomatoes with a wee splash of water. Cover and gently cook for a minimum of 30 mins. Serve hot, share and enjoy!

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